
Politics means reaching agreements

Mexico's democracy needs unity between its factions to achieve positive benefits for our nation

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto presenting his 5th Government Report - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
03/09/2017 |08:00
Redacción El Universal
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The machinery of politics and government in Mexico , like any other democracy, requires the active collaboration of all its cogs to work adequately. Therefore, only when there's a dialogue among all the ideological factions – first – and an agreement between them – second – is that beneficial changes for our country will be able to take place.

Obviously, disagreements are also a vital ingredient of democratic life, yet the ability to negotiate them has to be the main raw ingredient of democracy. However, this is currently not the case of Mexico.

Yesterday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto confirmed as much during his 5th Official Government Report. In addition to highlighting the achievements in security, health, and poverty, and talking about several hot topics, such as the NAFTA talks, the Chief of the Executive called repeatedly for a political conciliation. “To do politics, – he said – means to concentrate efforts in favor of national benefit.”

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Due to Mexico's current political framework, the message of the President is anything but casual. Today, Mexico finds itself amidst a fierce competition for the Presidential elections of 2018, and there are several critical matters for the future of our country involved in it all, such as the insecurity that devastates several regions of the country – “the institutional weaknesses in some regions are also a challenge for the rule of law,” claimed EPN – or the renegotiation of the NAFTA, topics which don't help one bit to repair the damaged view society has of its political class, which has been dutifully abandoned by its key players.

Like EL UNIVERSAL has been reporting, these last few days have seen a volatile political atmosphere, which pervades due to a lack of agreements capable of uniting the Chambers of the Congress of the Union, with a chairman at the front of the Executive Board who isn't even recognized by its own party.

The positions of the parties' national leaders must not be used to solve personal issues: the benefit of society should always come first.

Enrique Peña Nieto said yesterday that “politics should be reclaimed as a transformation instrument to the benefit of society . Doing politics doesn't mean transforming differences into divisions; doing politics demands not to confuse rivals with enemies.” If only the words of the President were a mantra for the rest of all our politicians.
