
Politicians spent over MXN$452 million in medical expenses

Mexican politicians will soon lose medical insurance for them and their families paid by public funds

Politicians receive private medical care, while the population attends public hospitals – Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
29/07/2018 |13:17
Redacción El Universal
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and Senators have spent over MXN $452 million in major medical expenses in the last six years.

According to a re-count made by EL UNIVERSAL , in the last six years , the legislative branch has spent MXN $452.3 million to give medical insurance to the 628 legislators , as well as their closest family members.

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In 2013 , the Chamber of Deputies spent MXN $72 million for medical expenses for the deputies and other high-ranking officials; in 2014 they spent MXN $ 70.6 million and in 2015, MXN $65.5 million . Also, during the 63rd Legislature , they paid over MXN $161 million , which gives a total of MXN $396.1 million in the last six years.

From 2013 to 2017 , the Senate has paid over MXN $83.2 million to private insurance companies for major medical expenses.

According to a revision of the Senate's 2017 reports , they hired a major medical insurance policy for over MXN $38.2 million , and they also added a “ life and total or partial disability insurance”.

In 2016 , they destined over MXN $14.2 million to pay for the legislator's major medical expenses , while in 2015 the spent over MXN $12.9 million . In 2014 they paid over MXN $11.3 million . In December 2014 EL UNIVERSAL published that from September 2012 to May 2013 the Senate registered major medical expenses payments for over MXN $6,696,700 million, according to information obtained by the newspaper.

The contract signed by the Chamber of Deputies in 2014 with the insurance company, GNP , gave extended coverage to 2,043 people , including the legislators' wives, husbands, children, and parents , as well as high-ranking officials in the Legislative Palace of San Lázaro.

Almost MXN $71 million was paid from public funds for medical insurance for the deputies and their families , and MXN $23 million was paid for other officials and high-ranking officials in San Lázaro.

According to the DGAJ-069/2014 contract, 369 of those people were the legislators' wives or partners , 685 were their children (under 25) and 495 were their parents .

All the insured persons enjoyed a major medical insurance extended coverage in the country and abroad .
