
Political party exploits femicide for political purposes

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The Partido Verde has proposed controversial things such as the death penalty and chemical castration - Photo: Mitzi Olvera Mendoza/EL UNIVERSAL
26/02/2020 |10:51
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Political party exploits femicide for political purposes

We’ve been told that the reform to punish rape , femicide , and infanticide with the death penalty was sparked by opportunism and designed by a political party called Partido Verde. And although it’s supported by Morena and the Partido Verde , that from the 20 lawmakers who support the proposal, 13 are from the PV and 5 from Morena; however, these 5 lawmakers left the PV to join Morena some time ago. We’ve been told that the PV lawmakers are exploiting the brutal femicide of 7-year-old Fátima and at the same time, this move would help them to get rid of the idea that the federal government is insensitive in regards to femicide and protests, which the President labeled as conservative.

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Damaging monuments is a serious crime

We’ve been told that the case of the damages caused in a monument in Mexico City is being handled by local authorities, however, the case might soon become a federal case . Authorities from the National Institute of Fine Arts , led by Lucina Jiménez López and the National Anthropology and History Institute , led by Diego Prieto, are working with local authorities so that the case is taken seriously and punished as a federal crime .


Lawmakers spend public funds on snacks

Morena lawmakers ran out of arguments after the Federal Audit Office (ASF) reported irregularities in Congress during the last 4 months of 2018, when the majority of lawmakers were Morena members. The ASF found that lawmakers used public funds to purchase cakes, mattresses, snacks, and other goods. Later, Morena’s leader Mario Delgado said it was unusual for the ASF to only investigate those 4 months and not the whole year and asked for a report that details how the ASF reached its conclusions.

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Muñoz Ledo is not leaving Morena

According to rumors, lawmaker Porfirio Muñoz Ledo was about to leave Morena but it seems like the claims were false. We’ve been told that the harsh criticism Muñoz Ledo has made against the federal government is actually positive for the current administration. And although some fellow party members and government officials would love to see Muñoz Ledo leave the party, it won’t be that easy to get rid of him and his critiques .

