
Physical distancing between Arturo Zaldívar and the President 

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Arturo Zaldívar, the head of the Supreme Court, does not attend events hosted by President López Obrador - Photo: Juan Pablo Zamora/CUARTOSCURO.COM
17/09/2020 |08:51
Redacción El Universal
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Physical distancing between Arturo Zaldívar and the President

Sources said the reason why Arturo Zaldívar , the head of the Supreme Court , does not attend events hosted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is very simple. They said minister Zaldívar simply decided not to attend public events to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Insiders revealed the relationship between both government branches is strong and respectful. Physical distancing measures between the two exist regarding the pandemic and their operation, and there is no feud between them.

Yeidckol Polevnsky’s publicity stunt

Some politicians tried to benefit from a campaign launched by citizens to push the government to take legal action against former Mexican presidents. Sources said this is the case of Yeidckol Polevnsky , who arrived at the Senate with 69,000 signatures; however, she arrived with a photographer and reporter. She previously told the media she would be at the Senate and gave a 10-minute interview where she said she gathered 200,000 signatures for the petition, she then said she had 700,000. In the end, it was revealed Polevnsky only had 69,000.

COVID-19 outbreak at the lower chamber

The COVID-19 outbreak at the lower chamber is quite alarming. EL UNIVERSAL previously reported that 31 lawmakers had contracted the virus since March; however, the number has increased. Sources said around 41 lawmakers have contracted the virus. So far, 31 of them have recovered, 9 are currently recovering, and one passed away on Tuesday. Insiders said lawmakers are sad over the passing of Miguel Acundo, but they are also worried about the surge in contagions.

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Senators take precautions

Meanwhile, COVID-19 tests are essential to prevent an outbreak at the Senate . Moreover, the priority is to prevent senators from contracting the novel coronavirus and spreading it in their states; therefore, the staff is implementing hygiene protocols. Nevertheless, the Senate will continue operating with as few people as possible, and in case the risk increases, senators might only work once a week.
