
Peña Nieto is under scrutiny

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

In recent years, Peña Nieto has been linked to corruption cases such as Odebrecht and OHL - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
20/02/2020 |12:34
Redacción El Universal
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Peña Nieto is under scrutiny

We’ve been told that the S uperior Audit Office is delivering information about Peña Nieto ’s latest months in office to the lower chamber. We’ve been told that there could be interesting surprises in regards to this, especially because several forensic audits will be released; these are the audits that prove there were frauds and embezzlement cases, moreover, lawsuits have been filed. So all this couldn’t be released at a worse time for the former Mexican President , as corruption cases at Pemex and the arrest of Emilio Lozoya are making former officials feel at unease.

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Polevnsky’s reign is coming to an end

Yesterday, Morena leader Yeidckol Polevnsky was relieved after the electoral tribunal postponed the discussion of a project that sided with Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar by validating his election as the party’s interim leader . The project also considers that Polevnsky stopped being the party leader on November 20, 2019. However, the electoral tribunal postponed the discussion for next week. We’ve been told that the project won’t be modified but in the meantime, Polevnsky can take a deep breath while she’s ousted .


The Supreme Court vs. e-cigarettes

In the Supreme Court , minister Javier Laynez Potisek worked on a project where it is considered that e-cigarettes cause as much harm as traditional cigarettes . With this, the minister points towards the need to have more serious investigations about the consequences of e-cigarettes. Although the project was set to be voted yesterday, minister Laynez postponed the discussion, which coincides with the presidential decree that bans the importation of these products.


The government is into celebrations

We’ve been told that President López Obrador ’s government was happy to organize several celebrations in 2019 , so it has announced that there will be 4 states of the union in 2020 on April 5, July 1, September 5, and December 1. Moreover, we’ve been told that these events could be institutionalized and repeated throughout his presidency .

