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said it had lowered its debt by about USD $5 billion , and that would help strengthen its financial position .
Citigroup Global Markets, Goldman Sachs, HSBC Securities (USA), J.P. Morgan Securities, BofA Securities, Credit Agricole Securities
(USA) and Mizuho Securities USA were dealer managers on the transactions .
Pemex is saddled with over USD $104 billion of financial debt and its bonds are under threat from Moody ’s of losing their investment-grade rating. They have already been downgraded to “junk” by Fitch .
The company is also struggling to reverse years of declining oil output and fix entrenched mismanagement and corruption .
Furthermore, Pemex said it had paid USD $5.17 billion in a tender offer to prepay about a third of its bonds maturing between 2020-23, part of President López Obrador’ s latest effort to shore up the state oil firm.
The company announced the bond tender e arlier this month, using a USD $5 billion capital injection from the Mexican government.
In addition, Pemex said it had paid a total of USD $34.066 million in accrued and unpaid interest on the bonds .