
Pemex oil platform fire injures three in Gulf of Mexico

The Akal-C6 platform is located in the Sound of Campeche in the southern Gulf of Mexico

The fire was registered on January 7 – Photo: Alfonso Murillo/EL UNIVERSAL
07/01/2020 |16:58Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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On Tuesday, three people were injured in a fire on a platform run by , the company said, briefly leading to the evacuation of the rig.

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The fire broke out on the Akal-C6 platform in the in the southern Gulf of Mexico , Pemex said.

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“The incident was confined to the first level on the western side of the platform,” Pemex said on Twitter.

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After putting out the fire, the platform was running again within 50 minutes, Pemex said, adding it was operating normally .

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