The “PejeFest” in the Azteca Stadium

We've been told that the so-called “ PejeFest ” to close the campaign of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) aims to draw over 80,000 people to the Azteca Stadium. We've been assured organizers are “helping” audience members by providing transportation by bus to those living in several colonies of Mexico City and the State of Mexico, mainly. Our sources say that perhaps what they saved on artists performances – since some will be performing pro bono – they could very well spend in transporting the audience to the final rally of the candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) – who at the closure of the campaign period remains the frontrunner according to polls.

The early fall of Gamboa

Careful, dear PRI members! Will read an imaginary sign written on the sling used today by Senator Emilio Gamboa Patrón , who had a minor home accident last week. What happened to the head of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)? Our sources explain he woke up early one morning and tripped with the covers of his bed, causing him a fissure in two ribs. Mr. Emilio has, at the moment, his left arm immobilized but his team takes for granted that Mr. Emilio will go to the campaign closure event of José Antonio Meade , scheduled for this afternoon in Saltillo. So, please, Mrs. of the PRI, be mindful of your hugs and pats on the back – Gamboa isn't up for such political protocols.

"Populism in América" already on Amazon

After some TV stations refused to broadcast the series “Populism in America”, Amazon Prime has already made it available for streaming one day before the campaign period ends in Mexico. The series includes an episode named “The Furious Redeemer,” which tells the story of the presidential candidate of the “Together We'll Make History” coalition, who that same Tuesday said on his Twitter account about Amazon's decision, that TV stations refused to partake in a smear campaign with the broadcast of a “work of Alejandro Quintero, an employee of Carlos Salinas and EPN [Enrique Peña Nieto]. If you need [Alprazolam], knock yourself out.” Is it really that boring?

The first appointment of Anaya's cabinet

The one who's dreaming big is Manuel Granados . The national leader of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) is so sure his presidential candidate, Ricardo Anaya , will win on election day, that he already sees himself as Secretary of the State. We've been told that yesterday, when Mr. Manuel was questioned on the viability of the card sent by Anaya to several citizens, promising to deposit MXN$ 1, 500 to them each month should he win the election as part of his Basic Universal Income program, Granados defended the electoral strategy and said that when Anaya becomes the President and he, himself, the Secretary of State, they will review all welfare programs because many of them are out of order regarding contributions and beneficiaries. Thus, Granados has self-appointed himself the member of Anaya's cabinet. In other words, for Granados this is a done deal. However, it's never good to claim victory before you actually win could be in for a disappointment.


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