
Oxxo gets ready for contactless payments

The chain of convenience stores in Mexico expects to begin the contactless transition this year

Oxxo, chain of convenience stores - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
14/05/2018 |13:46Antonio Hernández |
Redacción El Universal
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The international payment platform firm VISA has informed that in Mexico, Oxxo convenience stores will be the pioneers in implementing the contactless payment method for their clients, which is set to reduce waiting times.

Contactless technology allows clients, for instance, to pay just by waving their cards or phones over a reader unit, without sliding them or inserting them in the device.

According to the study commissioned by VISA, “Status of Contactless Payments in Latin America,” by Americas Market Intelligence, Oxxo is currently investing to upgrade its payment method at all stores and they expect to launch the new system in 2018.

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“Regarding the Oxxo franchise in Mexico, most units are ready for contactless payment but software updates will begin until the third quarter of 2018,” mentions the document.

According to the text, Oxxo is collaborating with BBVA Bancomer for this purpose, and thus far, they reported a 60% progress in February 2018.

“However, Oxxo's biggest challenge is the training of their dozens of thousands of cashiers,” highlights the study.
