
Over 3,000 African migrants stranded in Mexico

After 11 days of protests in Tapachula, Chiapas, the Assembly of African Migrants denounced they are being victims of discrimination; 90% of regularization requests are rejected by Mexican authorities

Mexico is facing a migrant crisis – Photo: Christian Serna /CUARTOSCURO.COM
31/08/2019 |10:50
Redacción El Universal
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In the Mexican southern border, there are approximately 3,000 stranded African migrants that cannot obtain their regularization or continue to the United States, informed the Assembly of African Migrants .

After 11 days of protests outside the 21st Century Migration Station , in Tapachula, Chiapas , the organization created by the foreigners denounced that they are victims of discrimination .

In a news conference, the migrants asserted that 90% of the regularization requests have been rejected by authorities. They also denounced that the documents they are handed have mistakes in their information such as names and country of origin, which causes the rejection of their humanitarian visa procedure .

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They said that they are officially considered stateless persons , despite authorities registering that they come from Cameroon, Angola, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, and Congo .

The foreigners said that some have been able to obtain official letters of exit to leave the country, but when they travel by bus to the northern border, officers from the National Migration Institute arrest them and take them back to Tapachula.

They pointed out that the offices of Migration lack translators , hence, many times they cannot understand the procedures to which they are entitled .

“After more than two or three months , no one has achieved [regularization]. They tell us we have to come 15 days later, then, that we have to wait for 20 more, and so on during three months,” they denounced.
