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has the highest overweight and obesity rate in people aged 15-74 years , according to the 2017 Obesity Update released by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ).
Mexico's rate is 18.6% higher than the 53.9% average rate of the 34 OECD countries.
"The high rates of obesity are one of the main public health problems," the OECD wrote in the analysis.
Obesity is drastically reducing quality and life expectancy in Mexico, as it constitutes a risk factor for many chronic diseases, however, the OECD recognizes Mexico's advances in public policy.
"Mexico has the highest diabetes prevalence among the OECD countries, in the country 15.8% of adults suffer from diabetes, a figure that surpasses the organization average of 7%."
On November 14, 2017 , Mexico's Ministry of Health issued the declaration of epidemiological emergency for diabetes, overweight and obesity.
The OECD highlights some of the actions that Mexico has implemented to attack the problem, such as the payment of taxes for sugary drinks, the placement of labels with nutritional information and a better regulation of the foods advertised for children.
Even though Mexico has the highest proportion of overweight and obese population in the OECD in people aged 15-74 years, it has reduced other risk factors for life expectancy, such as the daily tobacco and alcohol consumption rate.
"The country's health system faces inefficiencies and remains highly fragmented, an aspect of the health system in Mexico that it is essential to improve.”