
October: Mexico's deadliest month

Mexico recorded 2,371 malice murders in the country, the highest figure since January 1997

Until October, May had been considered the most violent month since 2011 with 2,238 registered cases - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
21/11/2017 |17:39Manuel Espino Bucio / enviado |
Redacción El Universal
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In October , Mexico recorded 2,371 malice murders in the country, the highest figure since January 1997 , when the Federal Government began to record this high-impact crime.

It is the highest figure during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto , according to the data reported by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System ( Secretariado Ejecutivo del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública abbreviated SESNSP ).

Until October, May had been considered the most violent month since 2011 with 2,238 registered cases .

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The trend of committed murders during 2017 indicates that at the end of the year, more malice murders have been recorded in the last 20 years.

In the first ten months of 2017, a total of 20,878 cases were opened; in 2016, 20,547; in 2015, 16,909; in 2014, 15,520; in 2013, 18,106; and in 2012, 21,459.

In October, Baja California registered 207 malice murders; Guerrero , 198; State of Mexico , 189; Veracruz , 174, and Chihuahua , 135.
