
López Obrador: Mexico is bankrupt

After such declarations, several experts, government officials, and businesspeople have denied this

AMLO has said he won't be able to fulfill all the country's demands – Photo: File Photo/REUTERS
18/09/2018 |11:19Misael Zavala |
Redacción El Universal
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After starting his “thank you tour” in Tepic , the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, recognized that he will receive a bankrupt country because of the lack of economic growth in the last 30 years, and in the face of this situation, he foresees he won't be able to fulfill with all the citizens' demands, but he will comply with all the promises he made during his campaign.

“Possibly, because of the circumstances, because the country is going through a difficult economic and social situation , maybe, because the country is bankrupt , we might not be able to fulfill every demand, but we are going to fulfill, let's be clear, everything, everything we offered during the campaign”, he said.

After the meeting, which looked more like a campaign event, he explained that the citizens have a lot of demands, but, he clarified that it's not a contradiction to affirm that the country is in crisis and even then announced scholarships, pensions , and social programs during his campaign.

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“I'm not complaining, even with this crisis the country is going to move forward because the country wants real change and voted for it, it's just that some people still don't know, I'm going to notify them, I'm going to send them a telegram, an e-mail, or a WhatsApp, to tell them that the country has changed and that people don't want more of the same”, he emphasized.

He also said that, despite the economic situation , there won't be more debts , or tax increases , as his administration will only spend public finances . He also warned that if there's inflation or depreciation “it won't be because of the President's poor management, but because of the Banxico' s economic policies”.

López Obrador

explained that the cuts to high-ranking official 's salaries , no more pensions for former Presidents , as well as the austerity program, he will be able to fulfill his promises.

Nevertheless, experts, government officials , and businesspeople disagree with the President-elect , and they affirm that although the country is facing huge challenges and setbacks , it's not bankrupt .

Claudio X. González Laporte, Kimberly Clark's director,

considers that the incoming President 's declarations were meant to explain why he won't fulfill all his promises because there are not enough resources.

Juan Pablo Castañón

, the Business Coordinating Council 's president , said that for investors, trust is a priority to develop projects and create jobs and that Mexico is mainly affected by low investments , corruption , and insecurity .

The Finance Ministry affirmed that there's economic strength in public finances.

He even claimed he will take away privileges such as bodyguards to officials , and former presidents , as many elements from the Presidential Guard and the PGR are commissioned to protect public servants.

He said that during the first day of his tour all over the country, he traveled in a commercial airline, without bodyguards from the Presidential Guards . He anticipated that as President , he won't use the Presidential plane or require bodyguards .

After the event, López Obrador held a private meeting with Nayarit's Governor, Antonio Echevarría.
