
Obrador, Meade, and a game of chairs

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

López Obrador in Papantla, Veracruz – Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
30/05/2018 |08:44
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Obrador, Meade, and a game of chairs

Chairs played a key role last Tuesday in the presidential campaigns. One the one hand, José Antonio Meade , presidential candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), almost fell off his chair during the Third Citizen Summit. While his incident soon prompted memes in social networks, in Veracruz, the candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) , sat on a replica of the presidential chair he was given as a gift and – our sources say – he will take it with him to the National Palace should he win the election. In a month we will know who will get to sit in the chair of the eagle the four presidential candidates dream of.

Anaya and his new strategy

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Changes are coming to the strategy of Ricardo Anaya , one month away from election day. We're told that the team of advisers of the presidential candidate of the “For Mexico to the Front” coalition is getting ready for the final stretch and he seeks to catch up with, and surpass, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and beat him to Los Pinos. Under the motto “We either win together or lose separated,” the war room generals of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) have devised a travel itinerary for the state committees across the country, to close ranks in favor of Mr. Ricardo. With highly optimistic numbers in hand, according to our sources, the strategists claim Anaya is only seven points away from catching up to Obrador. We're told the strategy this time will be launched by land and that they will not use fear to secure their victory, like it happened in 2006. Will they have enough time?

The PRI gets their bullet-proof vest ready, just in case

Under the full control of the Permanent Commission, the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has set in motion their last play at the last minute possible: approve before election day the anti-corruption magistrates for the Federal Court of Administrative Justice and its five specialized courts. With this goal in mind, PRI members José María Tapia Franco and Enrique Burgos García are calling on the legality of this ratification to fall on that organ of the Congress, which tends to solve some matters during the recess term. According to our sources, this maneuver is seen as the last chance for the PRI to split the cheese at the Legislative Branch. We're told that it wouldn't be a surprise if some members of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) were to add their votes to this decision which had been left for after the election. Will this have something to do with the panorama they expect for the country after July 1st and the intention of bulletproof themselves?

The Electoral Joint Chief of Staff of AMLO

Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is consolidating his Electoral Joint Chief of Staff with the inclusion of Senator Luis Humberto Fernández as a legislative representative before the General Council of the National Electoral Institue (INE) and as a member of the Electoral Advisory Council, together with Jaime Cárdenas, Germán Martínez, Horacio Duarte, and Gabriela Cuevas barrón. At the Upper Chamber, the legislator is the deputy coordinator of the PT-MORENA group and we're told that he has enough reflexes to react in a debate, in addition to having a vast knowledge on electoral legislation – which he knows from the negotiation phase when, in addition of being the substitute of Manuel Camacho Solís , he served as his adviser.
