
Oaxaca: A culinary heaven

These four restaurants serve exceptional, fresh, and delicious food

Oaxaca has one of the most complex and delicious cuisines in Mexico - Photo: Courtesy of Gretel Morales for EL UNIVERSAL in English
07/08/2019 |12:55EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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In recent years, the world has set its sight on Oaxaca for its rich culture, traditions, and gastronomic heritage . The state of Oaxaca has everything: beautiful buildings, archeological sites, natural wonders, incredibly complex gastronomy , exceptional restaurants , and mezcal shops.

Oaxacan cuisine

is the result of a clash between two worlds: ancient ingredients such as corn, beans, cacao, tomato, chile, grasshoppers, worms and other ingredients brought there by colonizers, including pork, beef, chicken, cheese, bread, lard , among other ingredients.

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Currently, Oaxaca has become a hotspot for foodies all over the world and is full of endless options to satisfy any palate .

These are some of the best restaurants in Oaxaca :

4 . Boulenc

This cafe and pizzeria has an amazing selection of fresh dishes and options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Although it does not focus on Oaxacan food , all the products are fresh and it offers amazing coffee , salsas, preserves, and pastries . Their pizzas are also a must.


3. Casa Taviche

Casa Taviche is a one-of-a-kind restaurant . The menu changes every day and offers contemporary Oaxacan food . The food is fresh, delicious, and simple . Their desserts and drinks are a must. They also sell salts to pair with your mezcal and chocolate bars .


2. Casa Oaxaca

Casa Oaxaca is the most famous restaurant in Oaxaca . The most memorable dish is their molcajete salsa , it's unforgettable. Every dish including entrees, moles , tacos, and deserts are memorable for their complexity and deliciousness . Casa Oaxaca also offers some of the best mezcals in Oaxaca .


1. Las Quinceletras

Las Quinceletras is a traditional Oaxacan restaurant that uses local produce and family recipes . The grasshoppers and guacamole tacos are an explosion of flavor and their a lmond mole is delicious. The chocolate tamal is exceptional.


So next time you visit Oaxaca, make sure you visit one of these amazing restaurants !
