
OAS concerned about violence in Mexico prior to elections

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, expressed his concern over the crimes taking place in Mexico prior to the 2018 General Election

Offerings left at the monument in memory of Luis Donaldo Colosio, presidential candidate murdered during the 1994 electoral process - Photo: Maria Teresa Venegas/EL UNIVERSAL
04/03/2018 |10:59Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro , expressed his concern over the crimes taking place in Mexico prior to the 2018 General Election .

On Twitter, Almagro said the following:

“Concerned for the high number of politicians, aspiring candidates, leaders, and journalists killed during the electoral process in Mexico. Investigate and clarify these acts of violence during the pre-election phase.”

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The Uruguayan official linked in his message another posted by EL UNIVERSAL, linking to the article on the murder, last Friday, of the aspiring candidate of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) to the Mayor's Office of Zihuatanejo , Homero Bravo Espino.

Thus far, 30 local politicians have been killed in Mexico – including Mr. Bravo – since the electoral process began, in September 2017. Eight of these cases have taken place in the coastal state of Guerrero .

The murder of Aarón Varela Martínez , an aspiring candidate of the coalition Together We'll Make History to the Mayor's Office of the town of Santa Clara Ocoyucan, in Puebla , was announced last Wednesday.

In February, two aspiring candidates to the Lower Chamber for District 25 were also reported murdered in Chilapa, Guerrero.
