
No unemployment insurance for federal workers

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

At the end of each administration, hundreds of federal employees are fired - Photo: César Delgado/EL UNIVERSAL
03/02/2019 |10:32
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No unemployment insurance for federal workers

We've been told that besides facing unemployment , dozens of former federal employees have to stand in long queues to cash their unemployment insurance. But for those who managed to stay in their jobs, the situation is not ideal: the Finance Ministry has reminded them that the unemployment insurance no longer exists and that if they want to have one, they have to pay for it. They were told they can begin the process in March .

The UNAM dean isn't a fan of austerity

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The UAM authoritie s were taken by surprise, as they didn't think the union would organize a strike . The union members claim that the majority of workers didn't want to start a strike but an important detail pushed them to start the strike: the university authorities' high wages . We've been told that in contrast with the UNAM and IPN deans , who lowered their wages to follow the austerity policy implemented by President López Obrador , the UAM's dean, Eduardo Abel Peñalosa Castro earns MXN $126,476.6 ; that is, he earns more than President López Obrador . Last December, the dean told EL UNIVERSAL that he was considering lowering his salary , nevertheless, two months later, it's still the same.

Soldiers use words to defend the National Guard

The Navy Ministry, José Rafael Ojeda Durán , used logical discursive resources to disarm the Senators who questioned him about militarization , that they claim comes with the National Guard. The Admiral opened fire during the commission and, we've been told, caused a great impression thanks to his language resources to explain the public security plan. The President's soldiers managed to explain the National Guard to the lawmakers with discursive resources and with contrasting ideas, something that surprised some legislators who were expecting a “because I say so.”

Human Rights take the back seat in the Senate

Opposition Senators

complained to the Senate's president Martí Batres, Morena , that the National Guard report wasn't sent to the Human Rights commission , since this is one of the transcendental topics in the draft issued by the lower chamber . They also complained that society isn't considered in the debate, especially when it was said an open parliament would take place.
