
Nieto 1 – Huachicoleros 0

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Santiago Nieto - Photo: Alonso Romero/EL UNIVERSAL
15/01/2019 |11:03
Redacción El Universal
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Nieto 1 – Huachicoleros 0

The first major blow against fuel theft came from the Financial Intelligence Unit , led by Santiago Nieto , who discovered money laundering for thousands of million, the result of fuel theft . We've been told that the initial figure linked to money launderin g is MXN $10,000 million, from 2017 to 2018. Nevertheless, that amount is the first report issued by the financial institutions . In short, the amount of money laundered by former Pemex employees, politicians, gas station owners, and businesspeople can be much larger, the number could be close to MXN $45,000 million, as it has been revealed by EL UNIVERSAL today. How come nobody in the previous administrations discovered these movements, the money obtained through fuel theft?

Belated outrage

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Former public servants

, who worked in the past administration, are very active on Twitter and other social networks as a result of the fuel shortage in Mexico . One of the last ones who made comments about the issue was the former Education Minister, Otto Granados Roldán , who shared messages through Twitter , where people compare the current situation with communist Poland and the long lines the Polish has to form to get food. What Otto Granados and other former public servants , who are so outraged, don't talk about is that this shortage is, to a large extent, the result of the fight against a crime that wasn't stopped and even increased during the previous administration. What did the former Minister think about fuel theft and the damage it causes to society? There are no negative comments from previous years in his Twitter account, that is, his outrage came a little late.

The war between Monreal and Batres

The war between Martí Batres and Ricardo Monreal in the Senate is worsening, mainly to attract attention. Every day, they try to position their image and agenda on social media and media outlets. The fight between them is more evident even if they both deny it. Some predict that the war will come to an end once Martí Batres leaves the Senate's presidency and he becomes just another Senator. The bad news is that his term will end in August 2019.

New times at the Supreme Court

The mood surrounding Juan Luis González Alcántara Carrancá 's presentation has changed in the last days. The employees who used to work with the retired minister, José Ramón Cossío Día z, are no longer worried about the possibility of being dismissed. We've been told the new minister declined the possibility of bringing in his own team and ratified the workers.
