
NFL and Mexico: new contract until 2021

The new contract will be started with the match between the Kansas Chiefs and the Los Angeles Chargers

Football decorated with Huichol art – Photo: Feature photo/EL UNIVERSAL
16/07/2019 |18:28Alain Arenas |
Redacción El Universal
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The match between the Kansas Chiefs and the Los Angeles Chargers that will be held next November , in the field of the Azteca Stadium , is the start of a new contract between the NFL and Mexico .

The agreement, according to the chief in Mexico, Arturo Olivé , is for three matches in the same amount of years , which means that, at least, there will be one match of the NFL in Mexico City till 2021 .

“It’s the start of an agreement that was signed by the last administration of the federal government . We have no worries linked to the new administration, the relationship between Mexico and the League is still solid ,” expressed Olivé in a press conference.

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The head of the office of the NFL in Mexico also provided the costs for the match between Kansas City and Los Angeles, which will go from the MXN $800 to $4,000 , and those in the hospitality zone will reach MXN $7,500 .

Olivé mentioned that the last game of the Liga MX in the Azteca Stadium will be on November 2nd , so there will be 16 days to prepare the field of the “ Coloso de Santa Úrsula ” to prepare the meeting of the Chiefs and the Chargers.

“The field is in spectacular conditions and it will continue like that in the matches of the Liga MX. We are not worried either in that sense,” stated Olivé

The tickets will be available for sale to the general public on August 8th .
