
Nationalist PM Viktor Orban triumphs in Hungary

According to preliminary results, the right-wing nationalist secured a majority in parliament due to his anti-immigration campaign

Hungary's PM Viktor Orban after the announcement of the partial results in Budapest - Photo: Bernadett Szabo/REUTERS
09/04/2018 |14:00Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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For the third consecutive time, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has won the elections in Hungary , after securing a strong majority for his party (Fidesz) in parliament with his anti-immigration campaign, pursuant to preliminary results.

The right-wing nationalist secured his win with speeches against Muslim migration into Europe, which earned him millions of votes, especially in rural areas.

“We have won, Hungary has won a great victory,” told Orban to his supporters in Budapest.

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According to preliminary results and with a voter turnout of approximately 70% – surpassing that of previous elections – the Fidesz party has also won a two-thirds majority in parliament, which could allow Orban to change constitutional laws and encourage him to seek a Central European alliance, opposing the migration policies of the European Union.

Orban critics claim the politician's immigration policies have fueled xenophobia in Hungary and that he has set the country on an increasingly authoritarian path.

Meanwhile, Gabor Vona , leader of the strongest opposition party Jobbik, announced his resignation after the defeat, claiming that their goal was to force a change in government but that it was not achieved.

Marine Le Pen

, president of France's National Front, was the first to congratulate Orban for his victory, tweeting the following message:

“Great and clear victory for Viktor Orban in Hungary: reversal of values and mass immigration promoted by the EU have been rejected once more. Nationalist may win a majority in Europe for the next 2019 European elections!”
