
The Muslim community in Chiapas is ready for Ramadan

For the community leader, who was educated in Europe, Islam doesn't interfere with idiosyncrasy

Ramadan starts on May 5 and ends on June 4 - Photo: Henry Romero/REUTERS
06/05/2019 |10:59Óscar Gutiérrez / Corresponsal |
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Muslim Tzotzils in Chiapas are ready to celebrate Ramadan from May 5 to June 4. This celebration consists of a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad .

This Indigenous community who converted to Islam now fasts, says daily prayers but they also share the Christian idea of universal love and resurrection , just as Catholics and Evangelists do.

For example, as members of the Islamic community they don't celebrate Holy Week but they believe in the Crucifixion of Jesus , who “we see him as an envoy, a messenger of God ,” says Ibrahim Checheb , the Imam of the Ahmadía Islamic Community , located in the Nueva Esperanza de San Cristóbal de las Casas neighborhood.

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The Ramadan rituals for the Tzotzil community start on May 6.

For the community leader, who was educated in Europe , Islam doesn't break or uproots the idiosyncrasy of the Indigenous communities .

“My grandfather Miguel , who converted to Islam despite being 95 years old, saw when they performed the ablution and bowed and put their foreheads (on the floor) to pray and worship God , said 'I do that too',” he explains.

Therefore, the Tzotzil Imam considers that there is no difference between the ancestral traditions and their Islamic faith , since both aim to worship God .
