
Moreno Valle and his doctor's appointment

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Rafael Moreno Valle - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
30/11/2017 |09:44
Redacción El Universal
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Moreno Valle and his doctor's appointment

Could it be aspiring presidential candidate Rafael Moreno Valle, of the conservative National Action Party ( PAN), is sick? The question is relevant because last Wednesday he spent over two hours with a doctor, and it must be serious because it wasn't any doctor...it was the Minister of Health himself, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member José Narro . The “appointment” took place at a private spot in the Four Season hotel, located in Paseo de la Reforma and very close to the offices of the Ministry of Health. We've been told there was also a mysterious third man present, maybe a specialist who can help analyze Mr. Rafael's case. Some say Moreno Valle suffers strong Front-aches. Has Doctor Narro prescribed a remedy for Moreno Valle's ailments, like an alliance to restore him back to health?

A handyman for the Presidency?

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The national leader of the conservative Social Encounter Party (PES) , deputy Hugo Eric Flores is looking for candidates and given the success he's had recruiting sports and showbiz celebrities, he seems to have found someone to make a candidate of. Mr. Hugo Eric had a long chat with actor Héctor Suárez . As you may remember, during the 2015 election, Suárez appeared in spots for the PES which, according to Flores himself, allowed him to keep the registration of his party. In September of that same year, however, Mr. Héctor said he was no longer affiliated to the PES and that he would give a public apology to all of those who followed him with the hopes of saving Mexico. Yet, it seems, his relationship with the party has even improved. Maybe they want him now as the presidential candidate? Why do we want to know whether the handyman will run? Oh, just because.

Ivonne's inner debate

The former Governor of Yucatán is debating the possibility of vying for the presidential candidacy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) – do not forget the registration is next Sunday 3. According to our sources, Ivonne Ortega was seen very early at a restaurant in Polanco with former Oaxaca Governor José Murat. Yet something extraordinary happened at the end: someone at the restaurant asked Ms. Ivonne if she was going to register her candidacy to compete against José Antonio Meade. She only turned towards Mr. Pepe and didn't answer the question. Uh-oh!

Penalty discussed for “Ehh, you f….!”

The federal deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ), Martha Tamayo, has been sworn in as the president of the Ethics Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. We've been told the legislator has said there have been three official complaints so far before this body due to improper behaviors and that there could be penalties. The PRI deputy Adriana del Pilar Ortíz filed a complaint against the coordinator of the left National Regeneration Party ( MORENA ), Rocío Nahle; the PRI deputy Gloria Félix filed another one against Ariel Juárez from the MORENA; and citizen Jonathan Bárcenas filed another one against the infamous deputies who shouted “Ehhh you f….” against Ariel Juárez. Our sources say this Thursday the Committee will define what penalty – if any – to impose on the accused female deputies.
