
Morenagate is high-priority

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

AMLO denies the accusations made by the INE – Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
31/07/2018 |09:21
Redacción El Universal
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Morenagate is high-priority

The magistrates from the Electoral Tribuna l set Morena's trust fund as a high-priority case , giving a lot of relevance to the MXN $197 million fine set by the INE . We're told that this is why the tribunal agreed that 7 electoral magistrates and their staff would investigate the case and would bring it to the commission. The idea is t o clear the case with the most transparency, and with the judges' full knowledge. This way, the magistrate Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón , won't be alone during the case's examination and in the submission of the contesting presented b y López Obrador's party , who had rejected the INE's accusations , and of course, the multimillion pesos fine . In short, the magistrates are banding together against Morenagate.

Ebrard and Durazo see the Italians' case as positive

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A news issued by the federal government on Monday morning produced a very positive reaction inside Marcelo Ebrard's team and in Alfonso Durazo's, the next Public Security Secretary, team. We're told that the arrest of a character linked to a drug cartel opened the doors to the Italian diplomacy for Marcelo and Alfonso, with its embassy in Mexico, to present their credentials and projects to authorities and police forces from other countries. The workgroups from both members of López Obrador's team consider this kind of developments and blows to criminal bands to be quite relevant.

Los Pinos's team is
stepping on the gas

As soon as President Peña Nieto ends his vacations , the Los Pinos' team will step on the gas in some important activities for the leader. We're told that when his vacations are over, and after attending the Colombian President's inauguration on August 6 , Peña Nieto will focus his tasks on the preparation of the last government report , which will be delivered on September 3 , three days after the new legislature is installed in Congress . At the same time, they explained that his workgroup is setting up tours in September and November to inaugurate 10 emblematic constructions , part of his p romises signed six years ago . We're told that around 95% and 98% of his 266 promises have been achieved .

The battle inside the PAN intensifies

Inside the PAN the fight for the presidency and the parliamentary positions is intensifying . We're told that in the Senate there are three contenders who are doing everything they can win the position, which by the way, is assigned by the PAN's president. We're talking about the former presidential candidate, Josefina Vázquez Mota, the former PAN president, Gustavo Madero , and Rafael Moreno Valle , the former Puebla Governor. In the Chamber of Deputies, Jorge Romero is showing interest, yet he has been accused of taking part in a conspiracy to stop the CDMX's governmen t from receiving resources to rebuild the city after the September 2017 earthquake . The former Guanajuato Governor is showing interest as well, J uan Carlos Romero Hicks . Meanwhile, the PAN members are still soothing their wounds after their election loss , but they are already savoring the mouthwatering over the positions' distribution.
