
Morena mayor verbally attacks little girl

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Manuel Guillermo Chapman, the mayor of Ahome, Sinaloa - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
03/04/2019 |10:58
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Morena mayor verbally attacks a little girl

The critical voice of Morena senator Martha Lucía Micher was missing from the Senate yesterday when PAN senator Kenia López Rabadán condemned the mistreatment carried out by the mayor of Ahome, Sinaloa, Manuel Guillermo Chapman , who criticized a little girl for her “ terrible, horrible” obesity . Martha Lucía is known for fighting for women's rights but yesterday, she said nothing about Chapman , who is also a Morena member . Is senator Micher harsh with the opposition but soft with her party members?

The President will take 3 days off

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President López Obrador

is going to take a vacation after four months. We've been told that the President is taking three days off in April and will return to decorate admiral José Rafael Ojeda Durán . The decoration was put on hold to record his message where he demanded an apology from the king of Spain and the Pope for the abuses perpetrated during colonial times , the demands sparked polemic and hundreds of articles.

Charrez to be stripped of his immunity

If there are no last minute changes, the lower chamber will likely approve the removal of the o fficial immunity of Cipriano Charrez , Morena lawmaker , who was involved in a car crash where a young man died. We've been told this will take place really soon. We've been told that several lawmakers have scolded Charrez for asking for him for asking for a leave of absence and for being granted it just a few days before he is stripped off his immunity. Also, the lower chamber is working hard because there are only 27 days before the ordinary period is over and they have a lot of pending issues.

Enrique Cárdenas is at risk

Someone didn't see or didn't want to see the MC party leaders at Puebla , supporting the PAN-PRD-MC candidate, Enrique Cárdenas . We've been told that the MC leaders were present and have shown support for the candidate. Nevertheless, some members of the coalition wanted to emphasize the alleged absence of party leaders at the event. Some members of the coalition told us that the main challenges faced by Enrique Cárdenas are the internal quarrels at the PAN , which are taking place in the worst time possible because the Morena is leading the polls.