
Morena and the PT unite against the PRI

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

A group of Morena and PT lawmaker prevented the PRI from leading the lower chamber - Photo: Lucía Godínez/EL UNIVERSAL
02/09/2020 |09:00
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Morena and the PT unite against the PRI

A group of Morena and PT lawmakers prevented PRI lawmaker Dulce María Sauri from taking over the lower chamber on Monday. Some believe it would be really difficult to convince Morena’s radical group and the PT to vote for the PRI; therefore, some are talking about a Solomonic decision that could help the political parties solve the problem before September 5. Sources said some radical Morena lawmakers voted against the PRI not because they support Gerardo Fernández Noroña, but because they are not sure about granting the position to the PRI. Moreover, some proposed an agreement: they vote for the PRI but the party has to give up the position in six months. Some believe this is just a tantrum.

Mario Delgado is in trouble

Mario Delgado might be in trouble. Sources said the federal government is not happy with Delgado because he was unable to build a defined position among Morena lawmakers and allow the PRI to lead the lower chamber, as it was agreed two years ago. Moreover, the PRI supported important initiatives that were important to the President; however, despite the message sent from the National Palace, not all Morena members supported the PRI. In the end, Dulce María Sauri needed 25 more votes. Now some are blaming Mario Delgado, who has been accused of not controlling Morena in the lower chamber. Furthermore, some are wondering if he has what it takes to lead the ruling party.

The Senate will discuss marijuana

Senators will discuss the decriminalization of marijuana once again. On Monday, senator Jesusa Rodríguez talked to those camping outside the building, they gifted her a marijuana plant, and now she is getting ready to propose the decriminalization of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes. Sources said Congress must discuss the issue before December 15.

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The President dismissed the INAI

Sources said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador didn’t invite the National Institute for the Access to Information to his state of the union address. This year, the federal government forgot all about politeness and didn't invite Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas, who was invited to last year’s event. Perhaps the President didn’t see the point in inviting him because his message didn’t include transparency.
