
Morena gives advice to the PRI

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

AMLO and Meade met earlier, in July – Photo: Taken from a video shared by AMLO
21/08/2018 |09:11
Redacción El Universal
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Morena gives advice to the PRI

Yesterday, Ricardo Monreal, the future Senate leader and the former PRI presidential candidate, José Antonio Meade were seen enjoying a lovely breakfast . But beyond the encounter, what called for attention of other customers was that, among other things, they talked about the PRI's internal election process , which takes place today. Those who were able to listen to the conversation say that Monreal was asking Meade to get involved in the process , as he could be an essential piece. Monreal , it seems, is showing his political muscle and it seems like he's already trying to influence other parties now that Morena is the biggest political force in the country.

Manlio, the PRI, and Oaxaca cheese

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Those close to Manlio Fabio Beltrones say that for those who wonder what does he do, or if he's intervening the PRI's decisions should know that he's been abroad for a week and won't come back until next week. So, they say, those in a hurry should look for someone else to attack and blame for their frustrating party participation , when the National Congress takes place to day, which seems to want to tangle him like Oaxaca cheese.

AMLO has more nominations to announce

More experienced characters are joining the security and migration areas in the President-elect's, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, cabinet if there are no last minute changes. This is off the record, we're told, but Alejandro Gertz Maner o, the Universidad de las Américas' dean, will lead the Federal Public Security Secretariat's Operation Sub-secretariat . And the engineer Joel Ortega , the former Mexico City's Secretary of Public Security and former Metro Director , will be at the head of the National Migration Institute , where there's a long list of things to do, mostly in regards to the migrants' human rights.

Cárdenas Batel gets the VIP treatment

We're told that the one who had a preferential place in yesterday's meeting at the Palacio Nacional, on Andrés Manuel López Obrador's side was Lázaro Cárdenas Batel. They say that the engineer Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas's son met with the President-elect in his Colonia Roma's offices in the morning. And later, we're told, he arrived at the Palacio Nacional in the same car as López Obrador. Will th e former Michoacán governor work as the counselors' coordinator in Andrés Manuel's team?
