
More mass graves found in Mexico

Enforced disappearances, kidnaps, homicides, and violence, in general, have plagued Mexico for the last 12 years

Skeletal remains - Photo: Bárbara Vázquez/EFE
26/12/2018 |13:11Newsroom & Agencies |
Redacción El Universal
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Nine mass graves were found in Mexico this month.

Acapulco's Attorney General

exhumed the bodies of at least 8 people in La Mira neighborhood.

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According to the police report , experts started working on the site known as the “ Devil's cave ” ( Cueva del Diablo ) on Saturday.

Roberto Álvarez Heredia

, the spokesperson of the State coordination for the Reconstruction and Peace, explained that 8 mass graves were found. They found three bodies and the skeletal remains of five people. He revealed that until now, they haven't been able to identify the bodies and there is no indication that the bodies could be the two missing youngsters reported missing on December 5.

The official detailed that the discovery was made thanks to the investigation carried out by the Attorney General's office , this after a detainee offered information about the location of the bodies.

Also, Jalisco's Attorney General informed that it has opened an investigation in regards to the discovery of a mass grave in El Lindero , in the Lagos de Moreno municipality .

Through a statement, the Attorney General explained that the received a report of foul odors at the location, therefore, the authorities carried out necessary actions to locate the skeletal remains of seven people.

The Attorney General's office explained that the state's Forensic Science Institute was also present in the location.
