
Miguel Rincón does AMLO a favor

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

López Obrador is close friends with businessman Miguel Rincón - Photo: Lucia Godinez/EL UNIVERSAL
30/04/2019 |10:06
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Miguel Rincón does AMLO a favor

Yesterday, businessman Miguel Rincón decided to fulfill a request made by President López Obrador, who is his daughter's god-father, not to participate in a tender where he obtained a contract to sell paper to the federal government to print textbooks for MXN $221.6 million, without requesting compensation. We've been told that those close to the President celebrated Rincón's attitude and they also consider that the President was right to request him to withdraw from the contract because even if some argue that there were no irregularities in the tender process, it is better to set a precedent and distance itself from previous governments .

The lawmaker who challenged the President

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We've been told that Margarita García , the only PT lawmaker who voted against the education reform bill, isn't worried about being scolded and criticized by the President for not supporting the proposal. The lawmaker told colleagues she doesn't care about being negatively labeled for defending her ideals and said that she will keep defending her ideals. We've been told she said, “Why is President López Obrador asking lawmakers to vote with their consciousness and not follow instructions?.” The lawmaker has also recognized Reginaldo Sandoval, the PT's coordinator because he didn't issue any instruction to vote in favor of the bill.

Ebrard attracts investment to Mexico

Marcelo Ebrard

came back to Mexico in high spirits after a trip to Los Angeles, where he met with Mexican and U.S. business leaders to discuss investment opportunities in Mexico. We've been told that Ebrard proposed long-term actions , at least until 2030 , to encourage investment and provide certainty. We've been told that the chancellor sent clear signs and business leaders were optimistic . Also, we've been told that he agreed to host an economic forum along with Michael Milken in the next few months.

Infonavit will implement a code of ethics

We've been told that there will be an important announcement during the Infonavit's 118th General Assembly . We've been told that the institute will present its code of ethics and once it is approved, the company will be at the same level as the companies listed on the stock exchange. The code will be followed by a new purchase and acquisition policy based on the recommendations made by the Cofece . President López Obrador will attend the assembly, which will show a lot of support to this institution.
