
The Migration Institute needs new members

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

INM officers have been accused of mistreating migrants - Photo: José Torres/REUTERS
01/07/2019 |09:28
Redacción El Universal
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The Migration Institute needs new members

Through a quick process, in only 24 days, you can join the National Migration Institute as a federal agent . All you need is a medical certificate that you can obtain at any pharmacy and claim that you behave well, that you don't consume drugs or alcoholic beverages . But those who sign up should be willing to move away from home and be available all the time fo r MXN $9,781 per month . Those interested will also go through a training process but the won't have to pass a psychometric test or other tests to carry out police-like activities . The thing is that the call to hire a certain number of new elements will close on July 4 and those hired will start working on July 15.

One year after López Obrador's electoral win

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Today, exactly a year after his electoral win, President López Obrador will host a public event at the Constitución square at 5 PM, where he will issue a statement in regards to his first 7 months as President an after that, there will be a party . If there is no morning press conference , it will be to position a message he will deliver at the political heart of the country, before thousands of followers. So if you think the President let the journalists chose whether or not there would be a conference today, you're wrong. The decision had been made as part of a media strategy.

Never-ending problems at the ISSSTE

It seems like the problems at the ISSSTE will never end. We've been told that HIV patients are still waiting to receive their medicines , especially those who live in Torreón, Hidalgo, Monterrey, Chihuahua , and Oaxaca . Just two weeks ago, beneficiaries demonstrated outside the ISSSTE's offices in Mexico City and denounced they have been given expired medicines , incomplete treatments, and complained about a general shortage . In order to prevent the patients from blocking the main avenue, ISSSTE officials promised to solve the problems, nevertheless, the situation hasn't improved. Will the patients have to travel to Mexico City to be heard?

Sonora and Arizona work together

And while the federal governments of Mexico and the U.S. quarrel in regards to migration and trade , the Governor of Sonora, Claudia Pavlovich and the Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey are creating a working relationship. Both Governors are promoting a strategy to work as a megaregion to benefit both states. Pavlovich and Ducey just celebrated the 60th anniversary of the creation of the Sonora-Arizona Commission and established agreements in regards to trade, education, and training. We've been told that both Governors agreed to help each other with respect to migration , through a humanitarian view and agreed that the U.S. Congress has to ratify the USMCA and prevent the implementation of tariffs against Mexico . We've been told this is an example for both Mexico and the U.S.
