
Mexico's vintage guide

Baja California and Guanajuato will be part of your wine adventure!

Photo: Guadalupe Valley, Baja California – File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
06/09/2017 |18:56Pablo Mata Olay |
Redacción El Universal
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is the vintage season in several parts of the world and Mexico is no exception.

These are the highlights in the wine producing areas of Baja California and Guanajuato .

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1. Enoexperiences Bernat Winery ( Enoexperiencias Bernat Vinícola ), Guanajuato

Mexico's vintage guide

From August 12 to September 9

Cost: MXN$ 120 or MXN$ 240 per person (includes wine tasting and snacks).

A tour of the vineyard, cellars and tasting room will be part of the journey.

For more information visit: .

2. Two Owl vineyard vintage ( Vendimia viñedo Dos Búhos ), Guanajuato

Mexico's vintage guide

September 9

Cost: MXN$ 1,500 per person

San Miguel de Allende will welcome you with its vineyards and wineries, cheese tasting, olive oils and artisanal bread.

For more information visit: .

3. Wolf's Winery vintage ( Vendimia Viñedo del Lobo ), Guanajuato

Mexico's vintage guide

September 9

Cost: MXN$ 1,500 per person

One of the longest harvest starting with a decadent breakfast.

This wine experience includes grape cutting, charcuterie tasting, delicate cheeses and outstanding wines.

For more information visit: .

4. Catárstica, Baja California

Mexico's vintage guide

Every Thursday in September and October

Cost: MXN$ 1200 per person

There will be a tasting show including opera, dancing, theater and live music.

A wine and food tour of the area will be included as well.

For more information visit: .
