
Mexico's Supreme Court turns its back on Peña Nieto

Peña Nieto is being investigated by U.S. authorities for allegedly receiving bribes

Former President Enrique Peña Nieto has been embroiled in several scandals in recent months - Photo: Carlos Jasso/REUTERS
19/06/2019 |14:39Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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The Supreme Court (SCJN) has turned its back on former President Enrique Peña Nieto by modifying a suspension that protected him against Chihuahua's Attorney Genera l, so now the former Mexican President can be investigated for his alleged crimes .

The Supreme Court ruled that the government of Chihuahua can investigate Peña Nieto for the alleged crimes that affected the state but not for federal crimes .

Previously, Peña Nieto and his former cabinet had obtained a suspension in their favor.

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The Supreme Court explained that Chihuahua attorneys can't proceed against the former Mexican President for the decisions he made as a federal public servant.

Th e revoked suspension protected Peña Nieto and his former cabinet against the investigations carried out by local authorities for the alleged embezzlement , which were supposedly used for electoral campaigns.

Yesterday, it was revealed that the former President is being investigated by U.S. authorities for allegedly receiving bribes in order to approve the purchase of Fertinal by Pemex in 2015.
