
Mexico’s Mazatlán FC registers coronavirus outbreak

Several Mexican soccer teams have detected COVID-19 cases among its players and staff

Mexico's first division soccer will resume play on July - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
16/06/2020 |14:17
Universal Deportes
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has joined the list of soccer teams with cases.

On Sunday, the club released a statement to inform the results of its medical tests for the new virus.


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“According to the protocols established prior to matches, the Club ran 51 tests to detect COVID-19 among its players , coaching body , and staff .

Just one of the members of the coaching staff tested positive and is asymptomatic . As established by the Liga MX and the Health Ministry protocols, this person is in confinement and under observation.”

Recommended: Soccer players and staff at Mexico's Club Puebla test positive for COVID-19

Mexican soccer was suspended on March 15 and after a couple of weeks, the Clausura tournament was canceled, although the top 2 teams, Cruz Azul and León , received tickets to play at the .

