
Mexico's lower chamber registers 5 deaths and 26 COVID-19 cases

In the last week, Mexico has been registering up to 3,000 new COVID-19 cases every day

The lower chamber will remain closed until health authorities declare a lower contagion risk in Mexico City - Photo: Carlos Mejía/EL UNIVERSAL
01/06/2020 |14:37Horacio Jiménez |
Redacción El Universal
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The lower chamber announced that until May 29, at least 31 and employees have contracted

In a statement, Graciela Báez Ricárdez said that from the 31 cases, 5 have died, 21 are recovering, and 5 have fully recovered.

The statement emphasized the contagions didn’t take place inside the government building .

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According to Báez Ricárdez, the families of those who died of COVID-19 will receive all the benefits established in the workers’ contracts.


Despite the implementation of and hygiene measures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus , the virus arrived in the facilities.


was imposed in the lower chamber on May 26 and the facilities have been sanitized several times.

Meanwhile, the lower chamber will remain closed until health authorities declare a lower contagion risk in Mexico City.

Lawmakers who have contracted COVID-19 include C ecilia Patrón, Emmanuel Vargas, María de Jesús Rosete, Jorge García Alcibiades , and María Libier González .

