
Mexico's investment in indigenous schools pays off

13,422 schools have received resources to promote education among indigenous peoples in the last 5 years

In the last 5 years, Mexico’s free text books have been renewed and over 22 native languages programs have been implemented - Photo: Yadin Xolalpa/EL UNIVERSAL
11/09/2018 |16:51Mariluz Roldán |
Redacción El Universal
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Over the last five years, the Mexican government has worked to promote development in 13,422 indigenous schools which represent a 33.35% of all schools in the country, according to the assistant secretary of Basic Education, Javier Treviño Cantú , during the inauguration of the International Conference on Indigenous Education of 2018 .

At the ceremony for the 40th anniversary of the Directorate-General of Indigenous Education (DGEI), Treviño Cantú stated that from 2013 to 2018, a total of 110,000 basic level schools had received resources to be administrated freely in order to promote education among indigenous peoples.

During the same period, 13,422 indigenous schools benefited from the program, which accounts for two thirds of the country’s total, representing a considerable achievement in benefit of this sector.

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He explained that, to this date, through cooperation with indigenous professors and academics, Mexico’s free text books have been renewed and over 22 native languages programs have been implemented.

“Without denying the fact that everyday life in indigenous schools poses a series of challenges to reduce inequality gaps, the country has managed to implement legal, institutional, social, and political frameworks to guarantee better education conditions for indigenous communities,” he emphasized.

Rosalinda Morales Garza, general director of Indigenous Education

, stated that thousands of teachers have worked at classrooms in indigenous communities to provide quality education to all.

She explained that there are currently 240 teachers at indigenous schools who are working in a course of learning activities and that there are currently 44 free textbooks written in indigenous languages .

“In our 40th anniversary, we are renewing our commitment to bring quality education to indigenous people in Mexico,” stated Morales Garza, adding that she hoped for this inclusion to continue during the following years.
