
Mexico’s Grande Dame of Death walkabout at Reforma Avenue

Traditions, makeup, glitter, and glamour to take over Mexico City to celebrate Day of the Dead

For the first time, the event will reach Mexico City’s main square – Photo: Sofía Danis/EL UNIVERSAL in English
16/10/2019 |17:10EL UNIVERSAL in English/Miranda Perea |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican traditions, makeup, glitter, and glamour will be present at the Mega Procesión de las Catrinas 2019 that will take place next Saturday, October 26 in Mexico City to celebrate Mexico’s .

Celebrated on November 1 and 2 , Day of the Dead has become one of Mexico’s best-known traditions in the world because of its cultural relevance and its colorful imagery. It was declared as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2013.

The promenade portrays the Catrina , Mexico’s Grande Dame of the Death , as a symbol of acceptance and mockery of death, a referent of the encounter of social classes in front of the inevitable, an emblem of rebellion and joy in face of our inescapable collective destiny.

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Have you ever heard of , the man behind "La Catrina"?

For the first time, the Mega Procesión de las Catrinas 2019 has the support of Mexico City’s government through its Culture and Tourism ministries , headed by José Alfonso Suárez del Real , and Carlos Mackinlay , respectively.

Therefore, this will be the first year the procession will start at the Angel of the Independence Monument to finish at Mexico City’s main square, best known as Zócalo .

The event is organized by Jessica Esquivias , president of , to commemorate Mexico’s traditional Day of the Dead, as well as promoting the participation of citizens and tourists in cultural activities, and providing a platform for makeup artists to portray and display their art in living canvases.

Persons of all ages and nationalities are invited to take part in the colorful and joyful celebration of this Mexican tradition. Over 150,000 attendees are expected in this edition of the procession which will include 16 groups with nearly 5,000 people committed to make this celebration of Mexico’s Day of the Dead a memorable experience.

In addition, borough will have a special participation in the procession which will include a trajinera , a traditional Mexican boat moved manually.

The arrangements for the event will start at 11:00 am at Reforma Avenue between the roundabouts of "La Palma" and "La Diana Cazadora" . There, attendees will be able to have their faces professionally painted in the fashion of Catrinas and Mexican sugar skulls by the most talented body paint artists at affordable prices starting at MXN $100 . Over 200 certified makeup artists will be located in white tents wearing the official uniform of the event.

The promenade will start at 6:30 pm at the Angel of the Independence Monument all the way to Mexico City’s Zócalo .

The Mega Procesión de las Catrinas 2019 will be one of the four parades Mexico City’s government is organizing this year in support of culture and citizen’s initiatives.
