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The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the invitation to Hugo López-Gatell , Mexico’s Health Undersecretary, to be part of an expert panel regarding International Health Regulations .
Through his social networks, the head of the broadcast public system Jenaro Villamil congratulated López-Gatell and shared the letter of invitation.
Jesús Ramírez Cuevas
, the spokesman of the Presidency, wrote on his Twitter account that López-Gatell will be part of the WHO’s expert panel that will work on the International Health Regulations to face COVID-19.
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Likewise, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller retweeted the information and congratulated Mexico’s COVID-19 czar.
The Health Ministry did the same on its Twitter account.
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In the letter, the WHO mentions that the Mexican officer will be part of this panel for a 4-year period ; his work will focus on Infectious Diseases Epidemiology .
“If he is selected for the committee, he is expected to partake in its meetings. In order to provide technical information and guidance on matters related to his field of expertise,” says the document.
On his daily news conference regarding the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, Hugo López-Gatell expressed his gratefulness for the invitation and mentioned he will accept it.
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