
Mexico will not recognize Catalonia's independence

United States, Britain, France, and Germany also swiftly dismissed the declaration and expressed support for Rajoy’s efforts to keep Spain united

"Mexico will not recognize a unilateral declaration of Catalan independence" said Videgaray during the commemorative act for the 72nd anniversary of the UN in Mexico - Photo: Taken from Luis Videgaray Caso Twitter account
28/10/2017 |13:34
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On Friday, the political turmoil in Spain intensified as the Madrid government dismissed Catalonia ’s President and Parliament hours after the region declared independence.

Shortly after the referendum and during the commemorative act for the 72nd anniversary of the United Nations in Mexico , Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said that Mexico favored a unified Spain.

"Mexico will not recognize a unilateral declaration of Catalan independence," Videgaray said.

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On Twitter , Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto wrote in Spanish: “Mexico will not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Catalonia. We hope for a political and peaceful solution.”

Peña Nieto assured that he will stand beside Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy as he confronts the nation’s most acute political crisis since it embraced democracy in 1978.

The president of the European Council , Donald Tusk , said the independence vote changed nothing and the European Union would only deal with the central government, while the United States , Britain , France , and Germany also swiftly dismissed the declaration and expressed support for Rajoy’s efforts to keep Spain united.

Spain was plunged into uncertainty on October 1 when Catalonia held an independence referendum, though courts had declared the proceedings illegal. Separatists declared victory despite a participation of only 43 percent.
