
Mexico to repatriate bodies of citizens who died from coronavirus in the U.S.

The majority of Mexicans who died from COVID-19 in the U.S. were located in NY

A patient infected with the novel coronavirus COVID-19 receives treatment – Photo: Silvio Avila/AFP
02/05/2020 |07:49
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón

informed that as of April 29, the has been requested to some 200 Mexicans who died from coronavirus in the U.S.


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In a news conference held at the National Palace, Ebrard said that most who died in the U.S. were located in New York .

“Until now, [the Ministry] has been requested to repatriate almost 200 bodies , mainly in New York,” said the Minister.


Ebrard Casaubón added that authorities have registered 154 Mexicans infected with COVID-19 in the U.S.; the consular network is taking care of them.

“We are in charge of 154 [Mexicans] patients in the U.S. right now; [they are] people who are sick and who did not receive any kind of support and hence, we are helping them through the consulates ,” he added.

