
Mexico produces more cars than Brazil in 2018

Mexican car makers produced 3.9% more vehicles than last year, and Mexico is leading the automotive industry in Latin America

Recent data from the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA) show that until May there was a new record in production - Photo: Erik de Castro/REUTERS
23/06/2018 |10:52Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican car makers

manufactured the record figure of 1.6 million vehicles in the first five months of the year; ten thousand more than in the same period of 2017 , strengthening the country’s leadership in the production of cars in Latin America , ahead of Brazil .

Recent data from the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA) show that until May there was a new record in production, and in the fifth month of the year the factories produced 3.9% more light vehicles than in the same month last year.

Domestic sales
(560 thousand units, 8.9% less from January to May ) fell, but Mexican assemblers continue to work at full capacity thanks to exports, which have led Mexico to the first place in Latin American production .

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, which had been the automotive production giant of Latin America until 2014 , improved its figures and produced 12.1% more in the first five months, but with 1.17 million units it is far behind from the data of the North American country.

Data from the Mexican automotive sector suggests that the country will once again end the year as the leader in Latin American car production, although in Brazil, where the economy grew in 2017 for the first time after two years of recession, there have been some improvements in the automotive sector.

The National Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers of Brazil (ANFAVEA) noted that there was a 17% increase in domestic sales from January to May , although the uncertainty of an economy at idle and uncertain elections slow down the manufacturing activity.

Ever since Mexico exceeded Brazil in 2014 as the largest vehicle manufacturer in Latin America, this trend has not stopped accelerating, driven by Mexican exports to the United States and Canada.

Last year Mexico passed the barrier of 3.7 million cars produced and surpassed Brazil for the third consecutive year as the largest manufacturer in Latin America, with more than one million vehicles assembled compared to the South American giant.
