
Mexico prepares for National Tequila Day

Last year, the Mexican senate agreed that National Tequila Day would be celebrated every March

In 2016, tequila production showed a 19.6% increase with a total of 72.2 million gallons produced - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
18/01/2019 |14:07Newsroom & Agencies |
Redacción El Universal
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Aiming to promote the culture and tradition of tequila in the country, the Mexican senate approved the celebration of the world-known beverage last year .

Both senators and representatives from the industry of tequila agreed that National Tequila Day would be celebrated on the third Saturday of every March instead of Sunday, as had been originally planned.

“The consumption of alcoholic beverages on Sundays is forbidden in many states,” the producers clarified, adding that “ celebrating Tequila Day on Saturday would facilitate a commercial strategy for the sale of tequila, leading to a larger economic flow and increased sales .”

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According to a report issued by the National Chamber of the Tequila Industry , around 60.3 million gallons of tequila were produced in 2015 . However, in 2016, tequila production showed a 19.6% increase with a total of 72.2 million gallons produced .

“Tequila exports showed an increase of 8.2% between 2015 and 2016 with a value of USD$400 million and more than 120 country destinations.”

To this day, more than 140 tequila distilleries have been registered, out of which 63 are part of the Tequila Regulatory Council and account for 85% of national production.

Mexico’s tequila producers are now preparing their distilleries and casks to celebrate the first National Tequila Day on March 16.

This iconic beverage from the state of Jalisco has now become an ambassador for the Latin American country around the world.
