
Mexico is coming together in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic 

President López Obrador asked his opposers for a ceasefire and called for unity

In recent weeks, Mexico has faced grueling economic scenario, mainly sparked by the coronavirus outbreak - Photo: Juan Boites/EL UNIVERSAL
01/04/2020 |09:47
Redacción El Universal
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Yesterday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked people to come together during the sparked by the and called for a truce with his opposers and critics. This message was necessary months ago, a long time before an alarming surge in coronavirus cases in Mexico.

This health emergency is an unprecedented situation that demands the halt of public life, something that hasn't repeated since the Mexican Revolution. Now, if the pandemic takes over the country, society, and authorities without the required coordination, will suffer serious consequences.

On the contrary, if despite ideological differences and the criticism towards the decisions made by the government, unity and hard work will be the tools that will allow the country to face adversity and overcome it. This will take time and it will be difficult but it won’t be impossible.

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Mexicans, each one of them, must do whatever they can to benefit the whole society. Now it’s more important than ever to go beyond the differences that have polarized and divided the country, differences that were sometimes sparked by the contradictory messages sent by the federal government.


This is why the message sent by President López Obrado r to overcome differences and work together is based on unity, one of Mexico’s biggest attributes. This unity has been essential every time a natural disaster or critical event takes place.

It’s important to mention that even former President Felipe Calderón , who often criticizes López Obrador and his administration, agreed to join the truce and offered the knowledge he and his team acquired during the H1N1 epidemic in 2009. Moreover, President López Obrador reiterated his commitment to concentrate his efforts on handling the health emergency sparked by the coronavirus pandemic and mitigate its side effects, as well as the effects it will have on the national and international .

There will be time for political confrontation but this is not the right time.

