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Due to its commitment to fight climate change, Mexico City has been granted the One Planet City Challenge 2020 .
The international jury recognized Mexico City’s global efforts in the benefit of the environment to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions as well as its actions to fulfill the commitments of the Global Climate Action Agenda .
The One Planet City Challenge, promoted by the World Wildlife Fund , is a biannual competition among cities all over the world that has the objective to endorse the transition toward a sustainable future and bolster the fulfillment of the Paris Agreement .
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This year, over 250 cities, municipalities, and Metropolitan areas competed at a global level, from which an international jury of experts determined Mexico City was the one that complied with all the plans regarding the efforts focused on the 1.5 C of maximum global warming .
According to the WWF, “presenting Mexico City with the WWF’s One Planet City Challenge was impressive and one of the strongest at a global level. Our analysis shows that Mexico City has achieved the objective of the 1.5 C set on the Paris Agreement , which confirms its lofty ambitions in the [environmental] matters, mainly regarding its local context.”
Hence, Mexico City was globally recognized for its fight against climate change and for improving the environment .
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