
Mexico City is removing people with COVID-19 symptoms from the subway 

Millions of users rely on the public transport system

Mexico City has closed several metro stations in a bid to halt the spread of the virus - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
10/06/2020 |15:28Kevin Ruiz |
Kevin Ruiz
Reportero de la sección MetrópoliVer perfil

According to authorities, over 30 users have been treated inside the subway system after showing COVID-19 symptoms . Now, the public transport system is asking people to travel in silence in a bit to prevent the spread of .

According to subway official Luis Alonso Lamah, the risk of contagion is high when people don't follow personal security protocols.

In recent weeks, the staff has transported two people inside special capsules , designed to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

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Alonso Lamah explained that when a user asks for help because they might be infected with COVID-19, the subway staff closes only a part of the station and doesn’t ask other users to leave.

If a person has a fever over 37.4 degrees and other symptoms linked to COVID-19, they are asked to see a doctor .

facilities and trains are sanitized every day; moreover, users are sometimes handed hand sanitizer and face masks, while several stations have been closed amid the pandemic.

