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Ratchets, trompos, cup-and-balls, wooden horses, teetotums, puppets, rag dolls, doll houses, yo-yos, planks, tables, tea pots, and jars
in all shapes and sizes are part of a new exhibition called “Mi pequeño mundo. Juguetes mexicanos. Colección Silvia Molina” (My Small World. Mexican Toys. Silvia Molina Collection) which will be open for the general public throughout the month of April at the Mexican Culture Seminar.
A special selection of 500 toys from a collection of more than 1,500 pieces owned by Mexican writer Silvia Molina will be put on display, accompanied with lectures and all sorts of activities for children where they will be able to learn of the richness and cultural value of traditional Mexican toys.
“As a child, I used to play with these toys very often. When my daughters were children I bought them some of the toys I had played with and I got them from markets and art shops when, all of a sudden, I realized that I had way too many toys,” stated the writer and chairwoman of the Mexican Culture seminar.
The aesthetic value of these objects renders a view of the role these popular toys have played in traditional festivities since colonial times.
My Small World will remain open to the public throughout the month at the 526 Gallery in the Mexican Culture Seminar, from 11 to 19 hours . Admissions are free!