
Mexico City prepares four shelters for migrant caravan

The Archdiocese of Mexico will receive the first migrant caravan with four shelters in Mexico City

The Central Americans will be provided with accommodations, both medical and psychological attention, and legal counseling - Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
31/10/2018 |19:11Newsroom |
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The Archdiocese of Mexico will receive the first migrant caravan in four shelters where the Central Americans will be provided with accommodations, both medical and psychological attention, and legal counseling .

La Casa del Peregrino ” (The Pilgrim’s House), “ El Albergue de las Religiosas Escalabrinianas ” (The Shelter of the Scalabrinian Congregation), “ La Casa de los Amigos ” (The House of Friends), and the Cafemin Shelter will receive migrants as they pass through the country’s capital. Their doors will be open until November 5 .

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL , sister Arlina Barral Arellano, in charge of the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Human Mobility at the Archdiocese of Mexico , commented that shelters such as the Pilgrim’s House, located next to the Church of Guadalupe , has a capacity for between 1,000 and 2,000 people , while each of the other centers can receive up to 100 people .

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She explained that the migrants would receive comprehensive care. “The shelters will receive migrants who want to stay in Mexico as well as those who are only looking for a place where they can rest before continuing their journey,” she claimed, adding that six collection points were in place for citizens to donate mattresses, sleeping bags, blankets, sweaters, socks, diapers, personal hygiene items , as well as canned food, serums, bottled water, milk powder, and cookies .

The religious woman asked the population of Mexico City to express their solidarity with the migrants, since many of them have abandoned their country looking for better opportunities and a peaceful environment.

“Our brothers and sisters did not leave their country because they wanted to, they decided to initiate this exodus to survive, just like many Mexicans who go to the United States looking for a dignified life. The Mexican people should not forget its own history,”

she concluded.

Furthermore, the head of government in Mexico City, José Ramón Amieva, announced that the Hall of Arms at the Magdalena Mixhuca could be used to receive up to 5,000 migrants as well, since it has all the services that are required.

In an interview at the Old City Hall Palace, the statesman claimed that a brigade of 306 people had made their way to Oaxaca last Sunday to help migrants and assess their situation, pointing out that many of them (mostly women and children) had started to show signs of de-hydration, malnutrition, and infections.
