
Mexico City mayor announces Nocturnal Urban Art Gallery

Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo announced the inauguration on Thursday

The project features nine art pieces on the metal blinds of different shops, though the event organizers are planning to expand it - Photo: Taken from mayor Claudia Sheinbaum's official Twitter page
11/05/2019 |14:27Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico City mayor Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo

informed on Thursday that the Nocturnal Urban Art Gallery (Galería de Arte Urbano Nocturna) , the largest of its kind, had just been inaugurated.

Through her official Twitter account, the stateswoman wrote: “The largest Nocturnal Urban Art Gallery in the world has just begun on República de Chile street in Mexico City.”

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Sheinbaum thanked the collaboration of local shop owners and workers on a street that is also known as “The Street of the Brides” in the center of Mexico City.

The project features nine art pieces on the metal blinds of different shops, though the event organizers are planning to expand it.
