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This week, the Mexico City Government has prepared to use a MXN$137 million fund to repair 82 public schools that were damaged during the earthquake of September 19 .
Less than two weeks before the new school year starts for elementary schools, the city’s Education Secretary, Mauricio Rodríguez Alonso , will sign an agreement with the Urban Development Agency to coordinate public expenditure for the repairs.
“We are about to sign an agreement with the Urban Development Agency to make use of the 137 million pesos we had left for the repair of 82 schools out of all the 447 in Mexico City,” stated the secretary, adding that, only a few days ago, the Reconstruction Commission answered a request to make use of the resources for reconstruction.
“We are already requesting it, and they will possibly grant us access to the funds this week,” stated the government official at an interview, shortly after participating at a promotion event for the 2018 Young People Survey .
One of the city government’s first tasks will be the completion of executive repair projects at 40 of 82 schools that are yet to receive said document.
Rodríguez Alonso explained that there was another MXN$139 million fund for security kits , though he has requested Mexico City’s Ministry of Finance to redirect them to the elaboration of 231 structural safety rulings for damaged schools, arguing that it was one of the government’s priorities.