
Mexico City Cooperatives Expo will promote a social and fair economy

The Work and Job Promotion Ministry of Mexico City will host the 2018 Cooperatives Expo tomorrow

There will be all kinds of cooperative companies dedicated to handmade pottery, earthenware, vegetable cultivation, sewing, and more - Photo: Adrián Hernández Ixmiquilpan/EL UNIVERSAL
29/08/2018 |16:54Newsroom |
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The Work and Employment Promotion Ministry (STyFE) recently announced the 2018 Mexico City Cooperatives Expo , an event that will seek the promotion of cooperative societies in the capital.

Projects that have been endorsed with machinery, equipment, and training through Mexico City’s government will be presented at the event.

The Mexico City Cooperatives Expo will be held from August 30 to September 1 at the Monument of the Revolution from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm . The space is meant to promote trade, as well as the purchase and sale of goods and services produced by cooperative companies within the framework of a social and supportive economy.

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“There will be all kinds of cooperative companies dedicated to handmade pottery, earthenware, vegetable cultivation, sewing, coffee plantation, ice cream making, honey production, craftsmanship, and beauty products, among other things,” stated Claudia Luengas Escudero, head of the STyFE .

She reminded that on September 5 , the 6th National Fair for the Elderly and People with Disabilities would take place in Iztapalapa , with the participation of 35 companies looking for 500 employees with these characteristics.
