On Monday, Mexican banking authorities announced the approval of a license for South Korea ’s biggest lender, KEB Hana Bank , to operate in the country.

Mexico’s Finance Ministry and banking regulator

( Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores abbreviated CNBV ) said in a statement that the license for KEB Hana Bank was formally approved and the new lender will mainly focus on corporate finance and international trade between South Korea and Mexico.

The new banking institution is a subsidiary of KEB Hana Bank Limited , the largest banking institution in South Korea, operating in 24 countries in Asia , America and Europe .

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited ( ICBC ), the Bank of China Mexico , Mizuho Bank , Bank Of Tokyo Mitsubishi , Shinhan Bank and KEB Hana Bank are the six banking institutions from Asian origin operating in Mexico, and they are mainly focused on the automotive industry and infrastructure financing .


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