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Companies from different countries showed interest in investing in the Mexican technology market during the 2018 Mobile World Congress ( MWC ), the largest technology event on a global scale.
"Potential investors look for the Mexican Chamber of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies ( Canieti ) as a possible partner, ally, or even as a representative, especially those investors who are seeking to open offices in the country," said Alfredo Pacheco , Canieti's General Director .
During MWC 2018, Canieti fostered important bonds with Spanish , French , and Middle Eastern companies , in line with the current strategy of diversifying the position of the Mexican market.
Gustavo Rivero
, Executive Director of MexicoIT , a joint initiative between the government and private sector to raise awareness of the Mexican IT industry as the most important nearshore provider, disclosed that a series of businessmen are seeking to join or to have a partner in Mexico, "as they are currently looking for new alliances and markets."
, a firm dedicated to creating apps for iOS and Android , and Bambú Mobile , a firm that develops IT/IoT projects focused on the generation of high-quality systems that provide solutions for digital business models and companies, were among the Mexican companies who attended the MWC 2018.
Mobile World Congress
is the world's largest gathering for the mobile industry, organized by the GSMA . This year's edition was held in the Mobile World Capital , Barcelona , Spain , from February 26 to March 1.